Healing Modalities

Healing Modalities

Please see below the many healing modalities Hannah offers to her clients:

Compassion Key Coding

Compassion Key Coding is a technique that uses compassion to help heal and thereby integrate all wounded aspects of the self, releasing self triggering and self sabotaging responses.

Integrated Energy Therapy

This technique clears and releases energy blockages stored in your DNA and your tissues . It involves using light touch on or hovering above meridian lines and switching out negative energy for positive energy. Using trigger points and kinesiology this technique relieves the client of triggered responses to negative thoughts, beliefs, emotions, experiences. Moving forward when the old triggers arise the response is more of a " so what" belief, rather than the client coming undone or leading into destructive or self sabatoge reactions. It may lead to improved perception, greater insights and understanding into your own life.

Spiritual Cleansing 

Spiritual cleansing is a technique which promotes clearing residual energy masses, dark or dense energy or low energy beings remaining in your energy field from past or present relationships or experiences. 

Spiritual House Cleansing & Blessings

In person spiritual cleansing which promotes clearing residual energy masses, dark or dense energy or low energy beings remaining in your home or on your property from past or present. This session is topped off with a blessing of your home. Sessions purchased expire one year from purchase date.In person spiritual cleansing which promotes clearing residual energy masses, dark or dense energy or low energy beings remaining in your home or on your property from past or present. 

Intuitive Reiki for Humans

Diving deeper into the human energy field and your cellular memory. It involves using light touch on or hovering above meridian lines. Using Reiki directs the flow of meridians opening blocks in the system which corrects, rebalances & facilitates the body to resume it’s natural reconnection and healing capabilities. Past life regression healing and channeled messages may come through during these sessions while scanning the human energy field. Some examples of channeled messages may be for the client to proceed with specific healing herbs, vitamins, and/or an exercise routine, etc. that may benefit the client most at this time. 

Intuitive Animal Reiki

For your favorite furry friend, diving deeper into their energy field. Using Reiki Hannah directs the flow of meridians opening blocks in the system which corrects, rebalances & facilitates the body to resume it’s natural reconnection. Past life regression healing and messages from beyond may come through during these sessions.

Healing Modalities

Healing Modalities

Unity Field Healing

UFH takes the field of Energy Medicine to a whole new level of understanding and potential! Traditional energy-based therapies work to transfer energy or clear energy blockages. UFH however works through the quantum field of energy of your personal DNA and uses a quantum field light template known as the UFH Template, to recalibrate an alignment with your deeper healing potential, and catalyze your personal healing and transformation.

Meditation Healing

Through meditation, you are essentially deactivating your sympathetic nervous system which when activated causes one to be reactive, and instead turns on the parasympathetic branch which allows you to be present and respond. Studies have found that over time this practice can help reduce pain, depression, stress, anxiety, and emotional reactivity.

Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is an alternative medicine technique that is supposed to tap into natural healing energy. Crystal healing is a technique in which crystals and other stones are used to cure ailments and protect against disease. Crystals act as conduits for healing enabling positive, healing energy to flow into the body, as negative, dis-ease causing energy flows out.  

Sound Healing

Sound Healing is a powerful therapy that combines different healing sounds, music, and sound healing instruments to improve our multidimensional well-being by creating a beautiful experience where all layers of our luminous energy field which include body, mind, soul, spirit, are awakened gently and lovingly. Integral Sound Healing is highly effective at triggering our relaxation response, which counters the many symptoms caused by chronic stress, while helping to balance our whole being. Sound Healing Instruments can be applied both on the body and off-the-body, whilst also incorporating vocal sounds and tones. While the goal is to focus on your breath, note that your thoughts will wander, which is both OK and the natural activity of your mind. Simply notice without judgement the thoughts or feelings that come up.