All About Spiritual Jelly

 I have always enjoyed helping people, even as a kid, and being a leader. Through my life I went through some hard experiences that left me with wounds that needed healing. These wounds I speak of could neither be touched by modern medicine or therapy. I still had these broken pieces inside, traces of energy from the past experiences that were screaming inside of me and would not be quieted until they were heard. I was willing to try anything, and, in my search, I happened upon Energy Healing; the experience changed me that day. Layers of old emotions and pain stuck in the body and visions came to the surface without having to talk about or relive it. I felt more like my authentic self than I ever had. Revived. Remade. No longer hindered by the past I left behind. It awoke a long-forgotten affinity to healing I was opened up to in my early twenties. It too reminded me of a call to who I was. I knew it was integral for me to learn Energy Healing and to continue its use for myself and my family; to share it with others so they too could know this seemingly untouchable love and peace I had so long longed for and finally felt. 

Hannah Strangways is a Master Healer; She is pleased to be sharing her gifts with you. She’s a talented light-worker who is masterful in clearing, transforming, and reintegrating energy. Hannah is also a dynamic clairvoyant who can receive detailed visions during a session.  A session with Hannah can leave you feeling peaceful, more resolved, and with feelings of closure to chapters no longer necessary for you to keep reliving in the body and the mind, in the present. Clients have reported feeling immediate shifts and are touched by the depth and clarity of Hannah’s insight. 


What my clients have to say..

Hi Hannah,  after the Spiritual Cleansing  session for myself and my home, I just wanted to let you know that everything has been cleared out. I do still suffer from a little bit of fear of moving forward but I feel that that is just conditioning from the last 3 years and will dissipate as I heal. The energy around me has been by far better and I have been able to not maybe create friendships with people I had issues with it work but at least crate a treaty. I am for the first time in a while excited about what the future may hold and not feeling something trying to drag me back. I am concerned that the witches that had placed a curse or a hex on me may try to do it again for whatever crazy weird reason they may have. As far as I know I haven't done anything extremely bad to anybody to deserve it however some people are slightly crazy LOL! Also I know for sure the negative entities are gone gone gone. For the first time in three years the anxiety that had plagued me in the voices in my head telling me not to trust people and that people are out to get me in that people don't really care about me are gone. Do not sense the impending doom that I had sensed before my patience and my anger and irritation levels are back where they should be. My home is brighter. any earthbound spirits that are around here right now or from people who had recently passed that I had known and I'm sure they will crossover on their own or they could be ancestors coming in to check on me. My grandmother on my dad's side does that often I also had 2 aunts who had recently passed within this year and my ex-husband's mother around Thanksgiving. Your suggestions that you had given to me for clearing and grounding I will take seriously and have been doing for both me and my daughter and it seems to be helping my energy is flowing more freely. I am concerned about the coven. I don't understand why they would want to do that to me. I'm usually the person that gets taken advantage of and I don't take advantage of other people. If you have a suggestion on how to counteract that energetically I would appreciate it. I would like to make you a chakra balancing necklace or bracelet and send it to you as a thank you. Thank you Hannah! 

Maria B. - Ogden, Utah

I had my first Intuitive Energy/Reiki combo session with Hannah a week ago. While I'm familiar with the concept, this was also my first hands-on, in person experience. With that being said, I had no idea what to expect. Hannah did a fantastic job of making me feel comfortable throughout the entirety of our session; from the tranquil atmosphere she had set up (music, lighting, and one hell of a comfortable couch), to the soft calming sound of her voice as she guided me through what she was doing. Admittedly, I had gone into this session with what I would consider "healthy skepticism", but after the experience itself I couldn't consider myself anything other than a believer. I think one of the most interesting moments - and one that would set the tone for the remainder of our session - was right at the very beginning. After I had been settled in, and assumed the position as instructed, almost immediately she had felt something that she brought to my attention. As she hovered her hands over my right shoulder, she proceeded to tell me that she felt pain; physical, and emotional. She continued to say that she was being guided to tell me that this pain was regarding a female. And while that could really apply to anyone or anything, what I would not have seen coming was her describing to me who this female was. And she was 100% right. She described to me an old friend that I had recently come into contact with, and discussed the situation that caused our falling out. Now, to anyone like me that may read this in the future, and share the same initial skepticism, I assure you that there was no way Hannah could have known any of that; let alone describing my friend in detail, down to the color of her hair. I was completely dumbfounded as to how she was able to relay that to me, with absolutely no prior knowledge of any of it. The rest of session proceeded in much the same manner. She moved down the length of my body, informing me as she went that she was cleansing, removing negative energy, and opening my chakaras as she made her way. Honestly, I could continue to go on about the session itself, but I'd like to bring my testimonial to a close by touching on how I felt AFTER. When I had met Hannah for the session I was tense; work, life, and emotional stresses were certainly weighing heavily on me. But, after all was said an done, I could swear that I almost felt physically lighter. Hannah, herself, noticed it as well, and actually commented on the difference; stating she saw how I was not only more open in terms of conversation, but also that my posture had changed. I was actually standing straighter and taller than when I had arrived. All in all I can only say that it was an amazing experience. I would highly recommend Hannah and her services to anyone looking for healing that could only come from someone with a true gift. From the bottom if my heart, I thank her sincerely for allowing me the opportunity to have that experience. 

Patrick D. -Palmyra, New York

I had an Intuitive Tarot Reading session with Hannah where she taught me how to connect with my divine partner. She’s very intuitive and have a very up beat personality. Her vitality is infectious. You will be sure to feel her energy and the healing she offers.

Rachel T.- Fresh Meadows, New York

During the initial consultation for the Infinity Healing session Hannah was able to identify and uncover the underlying cause of my inability to attract emotionally available people and difficulty to connect and open up to the rightful partner in love. She has intuitively discovered what was blocking my heart to receiving love from self and others, as well as my fear of stepping into my power with my mission work and healing practices, the feelings of not being enough in regards to relationships and life in general. Hannah was able to reveal where the problem resides in my energy system and also the mind-body aspects of it and how it manifests through the particular health issues I have been recently suffering from. In my case, lots of negativity was stored within a Sacral Chakra, hence the pain in the left side of my lower back and hip area. Hannah had precisely detected the blockages present in my Third Eye Chakra, manifesting as tension in my head and fogginess in the brain that was causing confusion, clouding my vision and clarity of the mind. She has accurately pin-pointed where the imbalances are coming from and addressed them accordingly during the session. The clearing prompts conducted by Hannah were powerful, delivered with confidence and were formulated to hit the exact core of the problem. I have experienced an immediate shift in the areas the energies were directed to and tears of the emotional release soon followed by relief of a tension in those parts of my body. A few days after the session, emotions and tears were still coming up, this time interchanging with short intervals of more positive feelings. I found myself bursting into tears out of nowhere, then, all of a sudden feeling happy again. Even at work or while traveling in public transport! Nearly two weeks since I received the healing I find myself in a much better and emotionally stable place, a state of peace and gratitude for all things in life. I have immensely enjoyed my Infinity Healing experience with Hannah. I am delighted and profoundly touched by the depth and clarity of her insights, her knowledge and ability to intuitively connect to one’s energy field with a professional yet warm and friendly approach. The transformative shifts I experienced during and after our session have helped me move into a positive state of mind, rediscovering my inner power and strength moving forward in life with joy, motivation and love. Thank you so much for your help. 

Asta N. - London, United Kingdom

I received a 15 min Reiki session from Hannah that was the most amazing Reiki session I have ever had. I did not tell her anything about myself before the session. She received a lot of information for me, which was at least 10 - 12 items. She was able to heal the challenging energy that didn't want to let go. Her visuals are vividly detailed and accurate. All her feedback resonated with me. Hannah's energy healing skills and talents are excellent and impressive. I highly recommend Hannah. Thanks again for the beautiful Reiki healing. It was wonderful working with you and I enjoyed our exchange sessions of giving and receiving. Good luck and much love to you.

Alane C. - Amarillo, Texas

Hi Hannah, after the Spiritual Cleansing session for myself and my home, I want to thank you for the clearing. I do feel a shift and ease especially in the head. Before there were something in my system making me more angry and rage than necessary, it was so exhausting to control and calm down those feelings. This is now gone and I feel more normally angry when that happens and the anger don't start without no especially reason. I were suprised that I had so many earthbound spirits attached to me. I have been aware about one, an old lady who have made me feel quite old even at a young age (child). But the others, I wasn't aware of them. I have been very tired since the clearing, guess that has to do with the shifts in the body often happens after healing work i do. It will be interesting to see if the healing and internal work I'm doing will be easier to perform, has been quite hard work to get the shift to transform myself to where I want to be. Warmest regards

Caroline O. - Stockholm, Sweden 

Here is a recap of what has been happening since our Infinity Healing. It has been a slow progression. What I encountered when meeting with you was honesty and forethought around the details that you captured. My progression was slow change over the 2 weeks. Small shifts that actually felt like a gathering to a bigger shift. I noticed it around my decisions and thoughts. I felt alot more GRACE about myself...taking in time for myself to connect inward, using emotion to my movement forward, feeling more secure in decisions, instead of waffling. I did have my share of breakdowns where I would succumb to an old pattern....but then I would beat myself up over.....therein was the difference. I acknowledged it and looked at what I could do differently. I'm feeling better and know more work is needed.The difference now is that honoring myself and my space / my energy are what come to the surface 1st...and I'm able to catch myself quicker should an old pattern want to surface.

Heather S. - Naples, Florida